
Over the summer I had a the pleasure of reporting for the team at one of my favorite shows Baltimore: The Rise of Charm City for a series they’re producing for the Robert W. Deutsch Foundation as part of their initiative on digital access and equity. I covered the opening of the Wash and Learn program – a collaboration with many partners, namely Libraries without Borders and city laundromats. The project is a brilliant idea, it brings internet access and employment training through library resource stations into laundromats in the heart of communities with the least access to such resources. An article shown here with more information on the program and event. https://technical.ly/baltimore/2019/06/11/wash-learn-initiative-digital-access-at-baltimore-laundromats-libraries-without-borders/ https://www.rwdfoundation.org/news/2017/10/19/the-digital-access-and-equity-report-in-baltimore-city-2017